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The BIOS was updated, along with a few other system updates did not read the details of each. 22 lbs = 10 kg 23 lbs = kg 24 lbs = kg 25 lbs = kg 53 lbs = kg 54 lbs = kg 55 lbs = 25 kg 56 lbs = kg 57 lbs = kg. CCleaner - Excellent free system cleaning and optimization tool - downloadccleanerprofessional. blogspot. com If you're in the market for a premium inch convertible with Skylake hardware and don't have an unlimited budget to spend, the Lenovo Yoga and the HP.
The vent on the bottom of the x, always bugged me because with a device that small and light, you want to use it around the house bed, carpet, pillow, etc. The travel of the keys seems fine to me.
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I have not noticed any such problems. Now on the Yoga, the sound is not only more clear but also much louder. Ace01 November 22, at Other people have complained that the Yoga keys do not travel as much as the older Yoga models. It is active day and night and remains active in winter, when it has been observed tunnelling through the snow and swimming in ice-covered streams. Martin November 18, at 2: The Bat Crack 6 January at 6:

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The fiber comes in more than 52 natural colors as classified in Peru, 12 as classified in Australia and 22 as classified in America. Tarsiers are prosimian primates of the genus Tarsius, a monotypic genus in the family Tarsiidae, which is itself the lone extant family within the infraorder Tarsiiformes.
Analysis of SINE insertions, a type of macromutation to the DNA, is argued to offer very persuasive evidence for the monophyly of Haplorrhini, where other lines of evidence, such as DNA sequence data, had remained ambiguous.
Thus, some systematists argue that the debate is conclusively settled in favor of a monophyletic Haplorrhini. Tarsiers have enormous eyes and long feet. Their feet have extremely elongated tarsus bones, which is how they got their name.
They are primarily insectivorous, and catch insects by jumping at them. They are also known to prey on birds and snakes. As they jump from tree to tree, tarsiers can catch even birds in motion. Gestation takes about six months, and tarsiers give birth to single offspring.
All tarsier species are nocturnal in their habits, but like many nocturnal organisms some individuals may show more or less activity during the daytime. Unlike many nocturnal animals, however, tarsiers lack a light-reflecting area tapetum lucidum of the eye.
They are benthic creatures, living at extreme depths, and are some of the rarest of the Octopoda species. The Frill-necked Lizard, or Frilled Lizard also known as the Frilled Dragon, Chlamydosaurus kingii is so called because of the large ruff of skin which usually lies folded back against its head and neck.
The neck frill is supported by long spines of cartilage, and when the lizard is frightened, it gapes its mouth showing a bright pink or yellow lining, and the frill flares out, displaying bright orange and red scales.
The frill may also aid in thermoregulation. They may grow up to one metre in total length. They often walk quadrupedally when on the ground. When frightened they begin to run on all-fours and then accelerate onto the hind-legs.
Males are significantly larger than females both as juveniles and when mature. The frill of the Australian frilled dragon is used to frighten off potential predators — as well as hissing and lunging.
If this fails to ward off the threat, the lizard flees bipedally to a nearby tree where it climbs to the top and relies on camouflage to keep it hidden. The Narwhal Monodon monoceros is an Arctic species of cetacean.
It is one of two species of white whale in the Monodontidae family the other is the beluga whale. It is possibly also related to the Irrawaddy dolphin. The narwhal is also commonly known as the Moon Whale. The Pygmy Marmoset Callithrix Cebuella pygmaea is a monkey native to the rainforest canopies of western Brazil, southeastern Colombia, eastern Ecuador, and eastern Peru.
It is one of the smallest primates, with its body length ranging from cm excluding the cm tail and the smallest monkey. Males weigh around g 5 ounces, and females only g TDespite its name, the Pygmy Marmoset is somewhat different from the typical marmosets classified in genus Callithrix.
As such, it is accorded its own subgenus, which was formerly recognized as its own genus, Cebuella. TThe Pygmy Marmoset has a tawny coat, and a ringed tail that can be as long as its body. Their claws are specially adapted for climbing trees, a trait unique to the species.
They are omnivorous, feeding on fruit, leaves, insects, and sometimes even small reptiles. Much of their diet, however, comes from tapping trees for sap. Up to two-thirds of their time is spent gouging tree bark to reach the gummy sap.
The Pygmy Marmoset has specialized incisors for gouging holes in bark. Unfortunately, because of its small size, and its swift movements, it is very hard to observe in the wild. TIn captivity, the Pygmy Marmoset can live up to 11 years.
The blobfish Psychrolutes marcidus is a fish that inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania. Due to the inaccessibility of its habitat, it is rarely seen by humans. Blobfish are found at depths where the pressure is several dozens of times higher than at sea level, which would likely make gas bladders inefficient.
To remain buoyant, the flesh of the blobfish is primarily a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water; this allows the fish to float above the sea floor without expending energy on swimming. The relative lack of muscle is not a disadvantage as it primarily swallows edible matter that floats by in front it.
The Platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. Together with the four species of echidna, it is one of the five extant species of monotremes, the only mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young.
It is the sole living representative of its family Ornithorhynchidae and genus Ornithorhynchus, though a number of related species have been found in the fossil record. The bizarre appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed mammal baffled naturalists when it was first discovered, with some considering it an elaborate fraud.
It is one of the few venomous mammals; the male Platypus has a spur on the hind foot which delivers a poison capable of causing severe pain to humans. The unique features of the Platypus make it an important subject in the study of evolutionary biology and a recognizable and iconic symbol of Australia ; it has appeared as a mascot at national events and is featured on the reverse of the Australian 20 cent coin.
Until the early 20th century it was hunted for its fur, but it is now protected throughout its range. Although captive breeding programs have had only limited success and the Platypus is vulnerable to the effects of pollution, it is not under any immediate threat.
The Shoebill, Balaeniceps rex also known as Whalehead is a very large bird related to the storks. It derives its name from its massive shoe-shaped bill. The Shoebill is a very large bird, averaging 1. The adult is mainly grey, the juveniles are browner.
It lives in tropical east Africa, in large swamps from Sudan to Zambia. The Shoebill was added rather recently to the ornithological lists; the species was only discovered in the 19th century when some skins were brought to Europe.
It was not until years later that live specimens reached the scientific community. The bird was known to both ancient Egyptians and Arabs however. There exist Egyptian images depicting the Shoebill while the Arabs referred to the bird as abu markub, which means one with a shoe.
Clearly, this refers to the striking bill. Kiwa hirsuta is a crustacean discovered in in the South Pacific Ocean. This decapod, which is approximately 15 cm 6 inches long, is notable for the quantity of silky blond setae resembling fur covering its pereiopods thoracic legs, including claws.
The discovery was announced on the 7th of March, It was found 1, km miles south of Easter Island in the South Pacific, at a depth of 2, m 7, feet, living on hydrothermal vents along the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge[4].
Based on both morphology and molecular data, the species was deemed to form a new genus and family Kiwaidae. The animal has strongly reduced eyes that lack pigment, and is thought to be blind.
Alternatively, it may feed on the bacteria, although it is thought to be a general carnivore[2]. Its diet also consists of green algae and small shrimp. The emperor tamarin is very wise-looking, too. One I suggest to add is: Would you do Monday night football?
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Our home for 11 days was the Orcaella. By placing the containers where the bugs were kept against her arms, No more itching IMG. The rest of the circus just upped and left in the night and he opened the door of his caravan onto an empty field in Scotland.
I sold out of Thorntons in early October after it warned on Q1 trading as I feared that further disappointment might be in the offing if it did not achieve its hoped for pick-up in orders to UK supermarkets in the run up to Christmas.
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I had to tell him that Mummy had had a tidy-up, Those of us fortunate enough to have healthy children have no concept of what it is like to have a seriously sick child. This became apparent when the ultra-feminists who were willing the breakdown of the traditional family and its values became ever bolder in attacking their real target: As a general rule there are some exceptions he must issue the claim at court no later than six years from the date of the breach of the agreement Subject to the precise terms of the loan this is probably going to be from the date the neighbour defaulted in repaymentBefore bringing the claim your dad will need to write a letter clearly explaining the terms of the loan and the amount owed warning his neighbour that he will bring court proceedings unless the money is paid He should set him a deadline to repay the money?
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Haskell, knowing they had been outmuscled up front. However, all still in the same steel jug, mix and cook almost ANY meal? Scots would be powerless to prevent this from happening. He passed out most evenings very early, but he was trying to get his snorkel out of his mouth to inform me he had seen Nemo and also Dory..
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Email will not be published required. Please use kind words. Your e-mail address will not be published. The touchpad and keyboard not only look really nice, they feel really nice and both work very well best windows keyboard and touchpad I have ever used.
That phone took a serious beating Galaxy S2 and held up admirably. Water damage, drops from heights up to about 10 feet onto pavement, was stolen at one point and who knows what may have happened during that time?
I got it back and the thief paid, just not in cash, and it was further abused. And my phones, pocket knives, clothing, boots, and tools all show the evidence of it, not to mention the numerous scars on my body.
Went through a Moto X 1st Gen, loved it even more, and it took the same abuse as admirably well. In fact, it still works just fine! I also bought a cheap prepaid phone that takes the same SIM card.
I leave the Nexus at home and carry the prepaid phone with the SIM that came with the Nexus, at work. I played around with a Galaxy s6 Edge Plus for a few hours. I would have considered buying one but here, they only have it in 64GB memory, which is the same price as my iPhone 6s Plus which has GB.
I hate streaming music services and so I require lots of space to hold all of my audiobooks and music. Everyone I know who has an s6 Edge, loves it and I have to say it is much nicer looking, smaller and lighter than my iPhone. And with 4K video and higher res pictures; it only makes sense to have as much memory as I can get my hands on.
So I always try to capture important moments in as high res video or still image as available to me at that given moment. One thing that I was not able to find on Android, was the ability to auto sync my phone contacts with Office on my laptop.
I gave serious consideration to trying Android again but Outlook is very important to my business needs. I can create, edit or delete a contact on my iPhone, iPad or laptop and instantly have those changes synced thru iCloud and updated on the other 2 devices.
I googled it and found that there was no clean flawless solution for Outlook with Android devices yet. I would be very hesitant to purchase another Samsung product. I have had nothing but hard drive problems with my current laptop, and I just returned TWO Samsung televisions that had identical problems.
I think Samsung used to make a good product, but I believe their quality control has gone down the tubes. I have to admit that the Galaxy s6 models, are built very well and holding one next to my iPhone 6s plus, makes the iPhone look dated and the Samsung screen is far superior looking than that of my 6s Plus.
All of them have served me very well and gave me no problems for many years. Now as for the Samsung Ativ Book 9 Spin. Aside from its rather short battery life 5 to 6 hours, it continues to prove itself to be a solid machine just like a MacBook.
I check the Best Buy website, every week or so, just to read what other Spin and XPS owners are saying and one by one, I keep finding Samsung Spin reviews that sound much like my own experience.
As for the XPS reviews, it seems that people have to get lucky as I did and get a unit that has no quality control issues. I bought one, returned it, had the same issue, then luckily in December, they released a new driver.
However, it seems as though all of my annoyances are software related, not hardware. While an impressive looking and feeling piece of hardware, especially the keyboard for me, this whole experience including Windows 10 has hardly been an enjoyable experience compared to my last purchase of a low end Windows 7 laptop 5 years ago, which I took out of the box and zero issues.
Which based on specs alone, is a pretty good deal. Open-box units are returned items that they have tested and you do get the full manufacturer warranty as well as the full Best Buy return policy full money back 14 days for most customers and 30 to 45 days for Elite customer members.
Ace01 — Thanks for posting up this information but I have to say, you seem to switch your opinion a bit which damages your credibility somewhat. You seem to be taking a laptop back to bestbuy every 2 weeks and exploiting a loophole there — good for you.
You raved on about the Yoga, saying it was the best thing, how brilliant the quality was, etc. I have had to read down for miles and now it seems you are saying that the HP is the better machine again when compared to the Yoga.
John, thank you for sharing your opinions. Well, firstly, it is not a loophole within Best Buy. They have a policy that allows the customer to not only be sure of their choice but to also make a purchase that is without manufacturer defects.
One can only discover some issues, after a week or so of use at home. It actually does the retailer and credit card company some good. I am a VERY picky consumer. I stated that I gave up on the x after going thru about a dozen of them.
I also stated that my top complaint was the left palm rest getting too hot for me. Keep in-mind that many people did not run into the palm rest issue that I did. So I then tried the Yoga The Yoga had none of the heat issues that drove me crazy with the x That was an exciting relief for me.
And as I stated here, and on the Lenovo Yoga forum, and on Amazon and a few other places; there was something bugging me in the back of my mind, about the Yoga. Other users such as Vong, helped me figure out exactly what it was that bugged me the Yoga feels very cheap compared to the x and Spin.
Please try to keep things in proper perspective. I always attempt to make it clear that what I am writing, are my initial thoughts. I gave my initial thoughts of the Yoga which was wow, this thing feels much lighter than the x I got the Yoga and liked it at first.
My first thought was not to see if the screen could bend. But the screen does bend with very little effort. That took a while to figure that out. Your suggestion is to wait and then post. I preferred to post as I went along.
Had I not done things my way, I would have perhaps not had the feedback from users such as Vong. My posts are not only an account of my journey with a new device but also a request for feedback from other owners. I am a consumer.
In other words, I am engaging in a conversation. Made out of all plastic and rubber exterior. The screen itself, feels as if it is plastic rather than glass I never confirmed whether it is glass, gorilla glass or plastic. The keyboard for me, does not feel very good at all something I stated since day one.
The keys just feel too shallow and cheap as if they will actually pop out after a short while of hard use. On several different units, if you rub your palm across the lid, you can feel lint and or sand, trapped under the paint.
I confirmed that several other people across the country, also found the same see the Lenovo Yoga forum. You have to look at the device lid in bright light and or swipe your palm across the entire lid. On my last Yoga, I noticed after a few days, that on one side, the top lid section was not properly lined up with the bottom section.
The screen is a higher res than that of the x but for some reason that I never figured out; actual viewing on the Yoga, does not look as good as the x There is something slightly poor quality about the Yoga screen other than the cheap feel of it.
This is one of those things that you will only notice if you compare it to the x, Spin, etc. Also, the bezel on the Yoga mostly the bottom is just way too big. Not very pleasing to the eye. At the end of the day, the Yoga is one of those devices that you either love the look or hate it.
I tried to love it. But in the end, I missed the beauty of the Ash Silver x Some folks even call it downright ugly. I spend all day, almost every day, in front of a PC. The way things look, matters to me.
Had it had a GB memory option, I would have jumped ship for it. Much better build materials and qaulity than the Yoga Heavier so that in tablet mode, it feels clunky and odd to hold compared to the thinner lighter feel of the Yoga in tablet mode.
For me, the left palm rest, at times, gets very warm too warm for my comfort. A few xs out of the box, had scratches on various areas. I often gift old tech to friends and they question whether or not I ever actually used the item because it looks like new.
The x, is a beautiful looking laptop. The Ash Silver edition, is just insanely beautiful to look at. Truly a work of art! Maybe not a big issue but he x had much more out of the box scaling issues than the Yoga and the Spin.
I had to try many things, to get all of my apps looking right and readable. Ativ Book 9 Spin: In-person, it looks MUCH better than photos online suggest to me, online it looked as if it were made of plastic.
In-person, one look and I knew it was not only aluminum but aluminum done right. Not as pretty as the Ash Silver x, but still a very good-looking device. No hot palm rest, gave it a lot of points for me. It feels thinner and lighter than the x but not as thin and light as the Yoga The build materials are as good as the x, if not even better.
They all have had no issues just like mine. The only real difference I noticed is that the x was the fastest in moving my GB or so of data from a 3. Things moved much slower on the Yoga that I thought something was wrong.
It took hours longer to move all of the exact same files to the Yoga. The Spin has the best screen out of the 3 units, hands-down. The Spin screen tops them both and in outdoor mode, is brighter than both and even brighter than the 4K XPS display.
They really are that good. Samsung, built a machine that in some ways, feels like a MacBook. The Spin feels and looks very smooth. I love the fact that unlike the x, there are no vents on the bottom just like the Yoga. The vent on the bottom of the x, always bugged me because with a device that small and light, you want to use it around the house bed, carpet, pillow, etc.
I was always reaching for a board to put under the x So much so it became as if the board I used, was a part of the x With the Spin and Yoga you can sit the device right on your pillow, carpet, blanket, etc.
The only thing that I feel limits the Spin, is that the battery life it not as good as it should be. With low brightness, I can only get between 5 to 6 hours of use browsing with Chrome. However, the 16GB of RAM that came with the Yoga, proved no difference in all of the same tasks and software usage compared with the x and Spin.
I also use it daily, side-by-side with the Spin. Using my P monitor while having my eyes trained with QHD displays since the first x back in August; just looks bad to me now. And of course there is the thin bezel display of the XPS which is truly the best screen on the planet right now.
Also many users have reported that the Book 9 Pro, is only giving them 4 to 5 hours of power. The Spin has a bigger battery than the Book 9 Pro, so I know there is no way the battery on the Book 9 Pro could do me better than 5 hours.
The XPS I was told would give me 6, 7 or more hours at a low brightness. Sadly, I have yet to find that to be true. Not being able to decide to stick with the XPS or to stick with just the Samsung Spin and buy a 4K external display for it; should give you some indication as to how much I really like the Samsung Spin.
The XPS has the superior specs and screen and larger screen size but the sleek, nearly perfect Spin, is a small charmer in so many ways. Again, side-by-side in person, I can imagine that most folks would agree that the spin just looks better.
Even the actual keys on the Spin and the way they light up, just looks much more premium than that of the XPS. One of several small examples is the fact that you have only white lights on the XPS. You only have a white light in the front, that turns on, only when the unit is charging.
And When the lid is open you have a white light on the power button that turns on when the unit is on. This is kind of pointless because you can only see it when the lid is open and when the lid is open, you can see the screen.
On the Spin, you have on the side, a light that turns orange when charging, green when fully charged and still plugged in but the system is off or asleep. Something else about the Spin which worked almost as well on the Yoga and x, is that it can wakeup, startup, restart and shutdown, much faster than the XPS.
I do not understand why but this bothers me about the XPS. Meanwhile, the XPS will still be loading. The XPS is also very slow so resume from sleep. Again, the best on a Windows non-gaming laptop I have ever heard.
Sadly, the XPS 15, cannot come close to matching this, nor can the x or Yoga. And 2, out of the box, I have never changed display settings on the Spin. Samsung, really got scaling right!
Nearly every app, looks right on the Spin. The XPS 15, has also done well with Scaling, with the Yoga coming in 3rd and the x coming in dead last! Keep in-mind that I judging this by using all of the same apps about 25 of them on all 4 of these devices.
If you are shopping for a new Ultrabook, you might want to wait until February if you can as many new models are on their way, late this month and next, according to CES reviews. Also, there is a Yoga S on the way.
If you have any specific questions that I may be able to answer, feel free to ask. If any of my past posts, lead to more cause for concern, please feel free to ask more questions. Firstly I did not mean to come across in any way aggressive.
I am grateful for people like you taking the time to write your opinions to help people like me about to make a purchase. I was just a bit miffed and wanted to give a bit of feedback because I read this page from top to bottom.
Quite near the top, it concludes that the Yoga is the way to go. If I had not, I may have gone off and ordered a Yoga, which I cannot blame anyone for except myself of course. I have had Dell products before, so am aware of the support and quality issues that can appear.
I could also see many people had issues with overheating, dodgy trackpads and other issues. I thought after some considerable time, I would give it a go though. If I looked at the track pad from above, it was clearly not located straight within the palm rest, or the palm rest cutout is wonky.
After having a feel around the machine, including the carbon fibre palm rest and the hinged flap underneath, which felt like it could be ripped off within a few days, I decided that I would not give them another chance and arranged to return it.
The XPS13 is a brilliant machine and an excellent concept but in my opinion is let down by poor attention to detail and general execution, as I would have suspected from Dell. I think after this novelty wears off, it would not be all that to live with though, hence me opting to return it and go for the HP.
In fact, the build quality is one of the things Dell aced on this unit, imo. Unfortunately, there are a couple of other aspects where they fell short. The clickpad on my unit is not stiff and the service flap on the back is still there after one year: John, no worries at all.
So I have no doubt there are times when that child-like initial excitement, finds its way into my first thoughts on any given product. Congratulations on your order. Have you been able to walk into a retailer like Best Buy, to test out the x and the Samsung Spin?
However, I would say that since your budget allows for the premium model, then I would wait just a bit longer for the upgraded x that is on its way late this month if not next month. Also they may perhaps have updated other parts such as the wireless card that so many of us had issues with.
They were using the older Intel wireless card whereas the Yoga has the newer model. First of all, you are going to love the Ash Silver. Take it into a bright room like your bathroom and watch how the color changes.
However, look closely at those copper hinges. Make sure yours are not all scratched up as was the case for 2 Ash Silver xs I had. More importantly, google for a dead pixel checking app and make sure you have no dead or sleeping pixels.
I had 3 or 4 xs that had dead and sleeping pixels all around the center bottom area. On the bottom of the unit, right were the serial number and other info is printed, on half of the units I had between 12 and 14 the panel right there, was loose.
What I mean is that when you close the x and hold it from the bottom, with your fingers gripping right where the printed text is; the panel pushes inward right there. It should not do so. You can place it upside down on a table on top of a towel, etc.
Something that many people have complained about on the HP forums, is that the touchpad for many people, makes a clicking sound even when doing a non-click left soft tap. It appeared to be that the touchpad was loose.
There were people opening up the touchpad and adding tape or something else in there to fix the problem. Most of the units I had, all had this issue but at the time I was only using a Bluetooth mouse, so it did not bother me as much as it did others.
Only 2 or 3 of the units I had, would not make a click sound on left soft taps. As I mentioned before, for me the left palm rest, would often become too warm for my comfort. But it seems not many people had that problem.
Also please keep in mind that the bottom does get pretty hot and the top left side corner area around the vent and right above it in the corner gets VERY hot. Both are normal for the x as every unit I had, did this as well as reported by many on the HP forum.
Out of the box, you will most likely have to adjust the scaling settings to get things the way you want them. Once done, you will enjoy the very beautiful display. Regardless of any issues, you have chosen a machine that is built much better than the Yoga I recently noticed that the Yoga has a lot of positive reviews on Best Buys site.
I read some of the reviews to try and figure out how on earth could it be doing so well. Furthermore, on paper, just looking at the specs, it appears to be that the Yoga is a very good deal but the hidden cost is in the cheap materials they use.
I honestly believe that for most people, if they had the chance and time to try a Yoga for a week and then a x or Spin for a week, they would not choose the Yoga. A nice looking car that when fully loaded, seems to have it all.
Then driving the same type of car from BMW and Mercedes. The feel is very different. The sounds and feel of closing the German doors and many other parts, are different from that of the Kia.
But the thing is with the laptops, unlike the cars, the costs are all around the same for the different units. However, I would say that if your budget allows for the premium model, then I would wait just a bit longer for the upgraded x that is on its way late this month if not next month.
They may perhaps have updated other parts such as the wireless card that so many of us had issues with. Okay now things you will want to check for right away when you get your x On the bottom of the unit, right where the serial number and other info is printed, on half of the units I had between 12 and 14 the panel right there, was loose.
Something that many people have complained about on the HP forums is that the touchpad for many people, makes a clicking sound even when doing a non-click soft tap. Only 2 or 3 of the units I had, would not make a click sound on soft taps.
Both are normal for the x as every unit I had did this as well as reported by many on the HP forum. As I said, I did my research before ordering the Dell but I did have a nagging doubt about spending such a large amount of cash on a machine from a company who have a reputation for not being the best in terms of support.
As previously said, there are many people who are complaining of having issues which Dell repeatedly do not fix. I excitedly waited 12 days for the machine to come and when it did, it has a defect which, to be honest, is shocking that it has been allowed to leave the factory with.
This defect is something which can be seen immediately and felt immediately if you click the touchpad. Also, it was a painful experience to try and return the machine. Trying to speak with people who do not speak the best English and also do not seem to actually listen, sending photos, chasing people again and again who did not perform, etc.
New machine will take another 10 to 15 days to arrive. They sent through a spec for me to approve, which I did. I assume this is now put to bed and have to wait. Warranty from original machine will be transferred over.
I say this is nonsense as therefore my warranty days are ticking down whilst I sit without a machine. That sounds like a crappy experience. I would never buy a Dell directly from Dell because I have no interest in waiting weeks to get something that retailers will send to me within 1 or 2 days.
Waited in all day yesterday for Dell to be collected as arranged. Not even the courtesy or forethought to notify me. Now being collected in 10 days. Then refund will be processed up to 10 days after they receive the machine.
Anyway, ash grey and copper Spectre x arrived yesterday. A quality experience from start to finish. See how it goes but thus far it really does feel like a very upmarket piece of hardware indeed. HP now going back. Nice machine but in the last two days the touchscreen has developed a mind of its own.
It is opening windows, selecting text and generally mucking about when nobody is actually touching the screen. Want something small, reliable, well built and powerful. I didnt think it would be this difficult.
Perhaps you can ask HP for a replacement and give it another chance? Ghost touches seem to be an isolated issue with the Spectre x and it looks like you drew a short straw. I still have the Dell XPS13 here because they have still not collected it.
I just got it out the box and have a play around. I spend a LOT of time using a laptop quite literally as a lap top device. The HP has quite a long palm rest area, which makes it a bit difficult to rest your palm on and type comfortably.
The metal edges rub a little on my wrists as I type. The smaller footprint of the XPS feels more nimble. The trackpad of the XPS is smaller but less cumbersome. The HP trackpad is very large indeed. This makes it a bit difficult to right click as you have to move your hand a long way to the right of the machine.
If I quickly pick up the HP, the weight of the screen makes it fall backwards so it goes horizontal. I have been using Windows 7 for ages. I find Windows 10 a bit cumbersome on the HP. I have used the touch functionality, but not that much and I wonder if I really need it, especially if opting for the Dell, which does NOT have a tablet mode like the HP.
I have the version with the FHD matte display. I see how touchscreens can be useful for scrolling and selecting stuff, but, on the XPS, the touchscreen is expensive and due to the higher resolution, has a significant impact on battery life.
I found this article: He seems to be saying that if you are not using metro apps, it makes sense to go for the non-touch machine? Anyone agree with this? I am not sure really how much you will use touch screen on a laptop, even in 2 years but you guys will know much better than me.
Issues I have found in using the machine for a couple of hours this evening compared to the x are:. Trackpad is absolutely awful. Two finger scrolling, which is very useful is pretty annoying on the XPS where the page will bounce up and down and randomly do things you dont want it to.
Often, the page will not scroll at all. Compare this to the HP, which handles these gestures perfectly. I use the machine as a laptop, so on my lap a lot. The Dell seems to have the fan running a lot and get warm on the underside compared to the HP.
The wifi reception on the Dell is nowhere near as good as the HP which has the antenna built into the top of the screen. I skyped for half an hour and it was not good at all. The other person sent me photos, where they are seeing keys on the keyboard, I look miles away and they are looking up my nose.
You can try to put your fingers in the middle of the surface, that helps somewhat. However, the fan is OFF pretty much all the time on my unit, with everyday use. First of all, thank you all for the valuable opinions and follow up on your experiences.
I first wanted to get a Yoga Seeing the specs and all, it seemed great. But reading you guys, I now wonder about the build quality… I keep my laptop for a minimum of years my last one was from! That is why I overlooked the Spectre x The next thing I wanted to see with you guys was the announcement of the Yoga S, which will be available in March It seems the build quality increased a lot because they used Carbon fiber this time around.
It has a better battery, a USB type-C and native active pen support, but the downside is the processor, which is a Core M7, not an i7… I use my laptop for essentially the same things as Ash lots of Chrome tabs, HD videos, lots of typing and word processing.
Will it matter that much? These seems to be my current options, all with their own upside and downside. Had I never tried the x, I think I would have liked the Yoga more. Sometimes I had the x i7 running with Chrome a dozen tabs or so, iTunes open, icloud sync in the background, Dashlane in the background uses a lot of memory but worth it, Outlook open and one or 2 other apps running and then if I tried something else like copying and moving large files, I could feel the system start to slow down just a little bit and the fans kick on.
When I bought it, it was very expensive and had some very nice specs. I bought it 5 years ago but it was able to run Chrome with a dozen tabs with no problem, while running other apps too.
They will also have an option for an OLED display, something that we may start seeing on more laptops in the future. And I would pick the x over the Yoga And of course you already know I choose the Spin over the current x If you can wait, you may want to check out what comes out soon.
And also, I did read that the XPS 13, has been updated with some internal parts and it may have the better touchpad now. I guess my main point is please skip the Yoga if you can get something else. Can you confirm on the x with 16 gigs of ram?
From what I see, the Well, in my part of the world though. What I am wondering, hope that others can help is whether the battery life for the spectre is comparable to macbooks or the top of the line ultrabooks.
Kinda queer since Skylake was meant to be an improvement in battery life. Do you think that a BIOS update will solve this? What you write is way over my head as will be evidenced by my question. Skylkake versions have either a Core iU or a Core iU processor the number after the dash is a 6.
The next one to come is Kabylake at the end of this year, the 7th. Hope this makes sense. I wanted to correct you because it is made out of a magnesium alloy. That said, even expensive plastics can be very tough materials.
The magnesium alloy casing of the yoga is strong and ductile meaning it has flexibility ie you can easily bend it making it a relatively tough laptop to break. I enjoyed reading your article. The active pen support would be nice, but you can always buy an active stylus that creates a current to register on the screen if you need more precision.
Otherwise, the screen is awesome and it seems to be particularly scratch resistance. Yes, you are correct, the Yoga shell is made out of magnalium magnesium mixed with aluminum as I later found out. That is a surprise to me as I do remember even opening up one Yoga unit that I had purchased.
After taking out the screws and removing the bottom panel, I was surprised at how light it felt and I would have bet the farm that it was plastic. It did not feel like what I would imagine magnalium should feel like. As I had mentioned in my prior posts, I did not get confirmation as to what the display surface is made out of.
However, my exprience with the Yoga, led me to believe that it was not gorilla glass and that perhaps it could be a type of plastic. I see the Yoga in pics online from time to time and I am reminded that yes they did come up with a nice design that is also very unique.
The watchband grew on me and I began to really like it. The Yoga seems to have a lot of good reviews from tech blogs and from consumers so I know a lot of people are happy with it. However, for me, I guess I am just a bit a lot too picky.
When it comes to my tech, looks and feel matter to me probably more so than the average consumer. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the recently announced yoga It has the same bezel less display as xps 13 with a 4k screen which should be colour accurate and brighter.
Also it has a aluminium frame instead of plastic no longer cheap looking So i guess all your issues regarding the yoga should be rectified atleast on paper. Could you please your thoughts on this. Two engineering degrees, 3D Cad software, photoshop, tons of audio and video soft, and others.
With the same i7, I would go for the x all day. I am also very rough on my gear and this is tough to a certain extent. The one thing that made my mind up was the active stylus which i rarely use but im glad that made the decision for me.
HP FTW over these 2. I can run full massive assemblies in my 3d cad with the 10 point touch on x on a network wifi drive with all files on server, without any hiccups. I wish our entire engineering team had them: All great reviews here…….
Both the compliments and criticisms of the Yoga have merit. However, I am sticking with the Yoga Hey, I realize this is an old post, but I wanted to add to anyone who scrolls down this far that you should be able to completely disable the power button via Windows 10's advanced power management settings.
Not sure if they updated the design I'm looking at the right now, but that is a viable option to overcome that limitation. I have actually done the same thing with several of my laptops which had awkwardly placed power buttons I'm looking at you Dell!
Has anyone tried the Kaby Lake Kabylake? I flirted with the thought of the Yeah, it's really been THAT good over the years. Now it's just Silverlake or Kabylake? I know we're always wanting the newer, better, faster thing on the market but there are people out there who just get the cheapest thing on the shelf at Walmart because they don't think they can afford something really GOOD.
Might be kind of nice to see how the cool new tech wears over time. Once I have it and it's configured though, this baby goes on the bench and we see what Dr. Frankenputer can do with it! Your email address will not be published.
Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. You can also subscribe without commenting. Asus have a long history of releasing multiple laptops with similar traits and as a result, most potential buyers have a hard time setting them apart.
Top Deals on ultrabooks and portable laptops. The Best Chromebooks of reviewed and compared. Ultrabook reviews, guides and comparisons. By Andrei Girbea, updated on June 18, This is the Lenovo Yoga Andrei Girbea, Editor-in-Chief at Ultrabookreview.
You may also like Matt February 8, at 6: Ace01 February 8, at 9: Vong October 31, at 7: Vong November 5, at 5: Ace01 November 6, at Vong November 10, at 5: Andrei Girbea November 10, at 5: Can you please elaborate on the build quality?
Ace01 November 10, at 7: Andrei Girbea November 10, at Ace01 November 11, at 6: I should have it on Friday. Vong November 11, at 1: Ace01 November 15, at 3: Ace01 November 20, at 5: Andrei Girbea November 20, at 8: Vong November 21, at Ace01 November 22, at 9: Andrei Girbea November 27, at Ace01 November 22, at Andrei Girbea November 23, at Stylist November 3, at 2: Is there an option for a stylus on the yoga?
How about the spectre? Andrei Girbea November 4, at Richard January 15, at 6: Does the SD card stick out of the Yoga? Or is it flush with the laptop? Ace01 November 7, at 7: Raven November 11, at 8: Andrei Girbea November 12, at Nobbly November 17, at Samsung lappies are not really an option in Europe anymore, unless they are planning a return?
Andrei Girbea November 19, at 5: Pensil November 17, at Martin November 18, at 2: Ace01 December 10, at Nerdy Beng April 11, at Nipuna Perera November 18, at Alexandre November 19, at 4: Elijah December 5, at 7: Sarfraz December 11, at It would be great if Ash or Vong reply on these issue.
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