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Just wanted to say thank you for posting this advice, Bjoernar; it has been very helpful and I appreciate the effort on your part. I pressed him on why he was calling — who was paying him to do this? Everyone has scratched their brain after a fresh OS install, trying to remember all their favorite applications and where, exactly, to download them. Here is a list of best free PC optimization software. These PC optimization software let you optimize your PC easily. All these tools are completely free. 12 Useful tips to fix your slow mac. Including PRAM and SMC resets.

Many people experience this and many also ask themselves where all the free space have gone? But then, they are only targeted Windows PCs at the moment.
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After the aforementioned scare tactics, they directed me to a message on my computer saying that my security warranty had expired. If your 13 inch macbook pro is slow, you have replaced the hard drive and still have problems? They started asking me what operating system I was using. Locate the following keys on the keyboard: I plan on moving my iTunes, iPhoto, my Games, etc. This software demands each use, you have to enter in a name and a password. They want to pay me to recommend it to you but the free alternatives are just as GOOD. For some strange reason, I felt compelled to make up the number several times before telling him that I did not wish him to have access to my PC. Had another call today from a firm telling me that my computer was generating errors caused by malware, which was caused because my security warranty was out of date.
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What do you mean exactly? Solving slow mac performance using money to buy new hardware is one option of course. Clean up in System Preferences While we still have System Preferences open take a look under the section called Other or at the bottom section. Something you should have chosen yourself. Users receive 25 gigabytes free just for signing up.
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Just make sure you know what you remove so you do not remove any critical system component. While we still have System Preferences open take a look under the section called Other or at the bottom section.
If you have a lot of items down there there is a chance that some of them is not in use by you. They might be left overs from some application you tried out, or something else. You should clean out these too.
In most cases you can turn it off from the preference pane itself. Time Machine is a good backup solution. But it backups every single hour and especially if you work on heavy files it will create some noticeable slow Mac performance when it starts the backup process.
The free app TimeMachineEditor will help you with that. I have tried it myself and it works just as advertised. Take care while messing with the backup though. Even though this app is working as it should and have done so for many years it is still third party.
Meaning Apple could make some changes to Time Machine in the future that may break the settings and in worst case disable your backups. Many people experience this and many also ask themselves where all the free space have gone?
Maybe you are editing videos that take up a lot of space. Or you might have a lot of downloaded stuff you never got around to delete. It use a part of that free space as virtual memory and that memory is important for your Mac to work optimally.
Please make sure to delete unneeded files and also remember to empty your trash! If you forget to empty the trash you will still have the free space problem and slow Mac performance. Also read my extended article on how to reclaim more space on your mac.
Its a free download so you can see how it works on your system before you buy anything. With that said, we have free options as well, so continue to scroll down and check out those first if you want. It can clean the cache, repair system permissions and also execute maintenance scripts.
Another good cleanup tool is CCleaner. Once in a while Apple releases software updates. It is wise to install these because they often contain improvements. It can be security improvements or performance enhancements that can solve slow Mac performance in some cases.
Even firmware updates in some cases. Also check if you can download updates to your already installed third party applications, this can also improve performance and stability. Do a PRAM reset. This will not damage your computer or remove anything from your hard drive.
But it may solve strange problems. Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time. Another thing you could try is an SMC reset. Especially if your laptop have problems accepting power or wont charge.
Strange fan behavior or low performance. If nothing of the above helps maybe a full format of your hard drive and a reinstall of the OS may be the only viable solution. If you have a fairly new Mac — ish you should be able to start from the recovery partition if you hold CMD and R when you restart.
From there you can reinstall OS X. When you see the spinning globe you can let go. Let it load and reinstall OS X this way. When your computer and account is set up. Even if you have a old Mac it may be able to upgrade to a newer version of OS X.
If your computer is very slow it can also be a symptom of a hard drive that is going bad especially if it makes strange noises. This applies to all types of computers not only Macs. Make sure to check the hard drive using Disk Utility and if it finds any errors make sure to backup what you can right away.
If your 13 inch macbook pro is slow, you have replaced the hard drive and still have problems? Try getting a new SATA cable for it and replace that. You find it on ebay. Max out the RAM in your computer, especially if you run a lot of apps at the same time.
Another extremely recommended option is to replace the hard drive inside your Mac to an SSD. If you havent tried SSD yet do it! It will blow your mind in terms of speed and it can breathe new life into older computers for sure.
Solving slow mac performance using money to buy new hardware is one option of course. But you should try the others first. Although SSD is extremely nice to have, you never want to go back! Nowadays most macs are delivered with SSDs though.
I hope this guide helps you to get your Mac in shape. If you liked this guide, it will really help me and this site if you share it with others on Facebook, twitter etc. You will find the buttons for that below.
I hope that installing that OS will solve my slow issues. If my mac has been behaving very slow over the past few months, what are the chances it is due to a poor performing hard drive?
Use the old HD to store docs etc. Just what I was looking for! Taming Time Machine and polishing that Onyx stone have done a great service to my ought ten iMac! Good helpful information and I will try….
Have had the slow script since MacKeeper. I do alot of graphics and games. You should definitely backup your files to some sort of external hard drive, or memory stick depending on how much data you have. When you have done that perhaps a complete format and reinstall is the best thing for your computer.
This is the nicest freebie tip that Ive read for my aging MBP. Thanks and more power to you! Do you think this is likely or, better still, do you know of a way to test for this? You can test and repair your hard drive using Disk Utility.
Maybe I should add that as a tip. Did you try running Onyx as mentioned above? Thanks, — decided to wipe the hard drive and reinstall Mavericks. Things are MUCH faster. Boot up with ALT pressed 2.
This is just what it looked like before] 3. Took about an hour. OK, Bjoernar, can you please walk me through how to get rid of MacKeeper …. Once in the trash, you can lock each one, except MacKeeper. I have not as yet tried to empty my trash to see if MacKeeper will be permanently removed.
But have no fear. My experience is that once a file is in the trash the computer cannot open or utilize them. Here are some instructions I found on how to remove MacKeeper, maybe it works for you guys?
Thank you sooooo much for hunting this, Bjoernar. Also, people could resort to creating an extra user account and see if the mac also performs slowly in that account.. And MacKeeper sucks so much, the ugly mascott, their bad product…very annoying!
I am happy you specifically warn against it. This is a nice share Bjoernar. Thank you very much. I would like to say that there are some additional things that can be done to speed up your mac, like doing an SMC reset and a PRAM reset, as expalined in this post that I wrote myself!
Thats true, I have some instructions about that here: My fear is that it will go terribly slow more than now! I really want to install th latest xCode as well. Mavericks is more optimized so it could run faster.
I would install it. Make sure to backup first. Thanks, ok will try. Btw, the PRAM reset gave life back to my laptop! Thanks for the superuseful trick. Just wanted to say thank you for posting this advice, Bjoernar; it has been very helpful and I appreciate the effort on your part.
Thank you for this page! Please keep it up! Thanks for having somewhere to check this stuff out. I have gotten several of these calls this month. The first time the call woke me up and her dire warnings sent me into giggles.
She actually used my name before she went into the scam spiel, and she said she was working for Microsoft. It is a major con. I can see how people would be taken in though. She said she was with MicroAssist UK.
There is no such thing of course. I am sure I will get several more calls though. I am torn between screaming at the top of my lungs and becoming so friendly they waste the entire conversation. I like to play dumb with these guy, just to find out what they playing at, mostly a repeat performance of the above the company name he used was Pc-connect.
Excellent page, thanks for the info. Hi, Just had these guys call my mother. Luckily Mum is a computer novice and immediately handed the call over to me. Admittedly they both sounded like the same guy to me….
He did the whole verify by the unique number thing too. Did a quick search and came up with this and a few other sites proving a scam. Told him I knew it was a scam and he hung up. Just got a call from someone with an Indian accent with much the same story as noted above.
Stated he was a Windows Service Provider and wanted me to run cmd and assoc. He put his manager on who told me his name was Andreo Peterson again with an Indian accent, gave me a toll-free — and company name given as 24x7PC TECH.
He told me that they were receiving information that my PC was infected with a virus and would crash in next few days. He warned me that it would cost me money to do so — I replied at least I know who they are and I have no idea who he is.
I just had a call, first for a while. Terrible line, but an accent from the Indian subcontinent. Claimed to be Microsoft again, said I was sending them errors. I asked how I was sending them errors and they just said that I was and they could show me!
That was a surprise — she apologised for calling! Like a previous contributor said, depending on mood, I might have a little fun with them when they next call. Mind you, they might be finally getting the message now that a call to my number will result in a half hour conversation, ending in me telling them that I know what they are up to.
Excellent article, as a previous Microsoft Support Technician I spotted the scam right away. Dare I say that the calls have still ceased, so maybe they have finally given up on me. Make sure you have decent Antivirus software running, and up to date.
I recommend using one of the free Malware cleaners once in a while too. I have Vista, and other than that I use all free software — Avast! The worse that has happened is that my hard drive failed at the weekend!
If your hard drive has just failed, then there is no excuse not to treat yourself to Windows 7 and a nice, new SSD! Go on, you know you want one! I have just had a phone call from someone who said they were from a Windows company called Kalsoft and that my computer was sending them errors.
He gave me and his name as Kevin Paul. I have just had a call from a company called Kalsoft Tech Solutions, who said that my computer had a virus. The guy wanted me to run a programme with him but I would not do anything.
He even knew the identification number of my computer. I told him that my computer was fine and I had not sent any error messages to microsoft, and that all my security features were fine.
Anyone know this company, they claim to be with Microsoft!! We think that some companies just use the Kalsoft name as it is a business which is in partnership with MS, so when you looked them up online all looks OK.
If you got to the closing sales pitch you would have been sent to another website to set up the transaction. Just had a call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft — he got me to google his MCP number which brought me to your site — so thanks.
I think I was already getting to the point of not believing him but those messages are a good way of creating a doubt in your mind! Website he wanted me to type was ammyy. I told his it was a scam and although he argued with me — he gave me numbers and said would phone me back once I had checked him out.
One from Blazesoftwares domain only registered in June and they also use Ammyy. If you want to buy PC anti-virus software, go to the shop or order from a trusted source like Amazon. Today I told a woman to F Off.
That is when I told her to F Off. We spent several minutes looking for the entry because it was not where they said it would be. I sometimes now tell them that they breaking the law in my country and that the police are tracing all calls and arrests will follow soon.
This seems to worry them a little. The sad thing is, half the people making the calls probably have no idea what they are doing and are just working in a crappy call centre 20 hours a day to put food on the table.
I had a call like this today. Well, not yet anyway. She did a very good job. I asked what the process was, and she said they will help me install a program so that a technician can access my computer to protect it.
This morning I decided to play a straight bat with them. He had no answer for that, just repeated the line about my computer having problems. I pressed him on why he was calling — who was paying him to do this?
Eventually he admitted that I would have to pay. At that point he hung up. They never bothered to establish that I was running some flavour of Windows. Presumably mention of the Windows key filters out Mac users, but they do need to sharpen up their act a little!
I suspect a different racket. The BBC I think reported a while back how the police had shut some down already, but I guess now they all work out of far away lands. I guess this is the price we pay for cheap phone calls now.
I think one reader here mentioned that they paid out cash to have CCleaner installed a free piece of software that just clears cookies and temp files from your system! Those are not so dangerous as the ones that gain access to your computer.
The last that called me well, the one before the one I told to F off tried to access my PC. I have had 3 calls in 3 weeks. I have an error and harmful files on my PC. I played along and the end game was for me to allow a Microsoft techician access to my PC to fix the problem…… Yeah right.
Will tell them next time my calls are being monitored by the police! Thanks for this thorough discussion. It saved me much grief. I told him to send me an independent verification that he was phoning from Microsoft to my email on record with Microsoft I did not give him my email address with contact information within Microsoft that I could reach to verify his legitimacy and then I hung up.
Thanks very much for alerting me to this scam. I will warn my family and friends not to be taken in. It is disturbing that he knows my land line phone number and home address but I suppose they are not difficult to find on the internet.
Maybe one day, but not just yet. I just got a call from Windows PC Care. I asked how he got my number. He then asked me if I had a desktop or a laptop, which I thought was weird. He asked me to run assoc from a cmd prompt and verify I had the zfsendtotarget value.
While he was reading it out I googled it and found this article. I go a call today from John Morris supposedly from Megabytes Solution in Miami following roughly the same format. Told him to email me full details and I would take it further.
He then said that by the time I got the email my computer would not work! Received a call today from an East Indian woman reporting that my computer was downloading and sending errors to their webserver. She stated she was with Window Service Center, and she was agent She tried to pressure me into going to my computer so she could remote to my workstation and provide assistance.
I explained I had seen no errors on my PC recently, nor had I seen any error messages with the prompt to send the errors to Windows. She explained these types of errors did not generate that prompt.
I asked if I could call her back and she provided phone number Since I knew this was a scam, I called the number she provided after I hung up and it was the number to free Thank you for your posting.
I have the same experience on ammyy. I am in IT line. I try to pretend that I was really worry on my computer probkem. I told them that my computer has a lot of problems. Man, please be realistic. In the world, nothing would be FREE.
One thing, I think that Ammyy is just be a tool that the scammers use to gain access to computers. We need to be careful about what we say as we would not want to harm the reputation of a good company. It is the people making the calls, what they call themselves and the tricks they use to deceive people that is important.
There is more advice on this problem on the Microsoft forums: This happened to me yesterday. I am in South Africa so it is obviously happening here too. I received a call from a heavily accented woman saying she was from Global ET technician protection they help windows operating systems and they have detected viruses on my computer.
I stupidly gave them access to my computer, where they showed me all the warnings of corrupt files, but i must not worry they will fix it, but only if i choose a security package of 1yr, 2yrs or 5 yrs. Thats when i realized it was a scam.
The woman was very persistent even saying she would hold while i phoned to ask my husband if loosing my computer is worth it cause according to her in less then 2 months its going to crash. I then put the phone down and turned off my computer.
Phone number she gave me was No need to turn off the computer. Asked if there were any error messages on a certain area and there was and she told me a technician will now assist but I have to give them access first.
Then I just hung up. Just got the call, September 15, I participate with Microsoft playtests and software trials trained monkey so I thought at first it was legit. He went through all of the tells that my computer was doomed and spamming the world wide web with viruses.
When he directed me to the aammy. I said get off my GD phone and stop trying to scam me. I called back and they actually picked up but when I asked for Dennis, the guy asked if I wanted to talk to Patrick? Thanks for the alarm.
Glad to read your site. Had a call from microsoft and kept them going for 40mins. Told me they were from microsoft, and that I need to take our the extended warenty they were offering. But they needed a credit card, a cheque was no good.
Told me my computer was going to crash in the next 30 mins. Have to give them points for persistance, and it sounded like there was a whole room of them in India probably. It got more and more obvious to me because i know my stuff.
I hung right up when i found this page and started reading. They phoned my sister at work and i asked them how they got the number they have an excuse for almost everything. I just got off the phone with these same scammers who said they were from the company megabite solutions and that they were authorized technicians from Microsoft.
They were feeding me all the same stuff you have posted above and trying to make me real scared about the amount of viruses I supposedly had. I ended the call when they directed me to ammyy. They also gave me the number of 1 to call back when I was ready to work with them.
Everything about this screamed of a scam to me and I wanted to do some investigations first — so glad I did. That is interesting, as I had assumed that all of these companies had not real connection with MS at all. Nice to know that MS is taking action to try to stamp out these scams.
Do they still have access or can I stop them? Was that what they were after? What should I do now to protect my PC? Close the connection if you have not done so already. If in doubt remove the ethernet cable or hit the wireless button if you are on a laptop.
Then look for signs that the access to your PC has stopped. Close down any remote desktop programs that may be running still. If you have anti-virus run it. If you do not have AV then install Avast!
Obviously will need to start Internet connection again or plug the ethernet cable back in. What do you mean exactly? You let physically someone sit down and use it? Or did you follow instructions given to you over the phone by these scammers?
If you can just provide the web site URL they made you download the program from, that would help to identify what program you should un-install. Sorry Blake, but it is a scam. If you are told that your computer is sending warnings when it is not, that your PC will crash within days when it will not, that you have malware when you do not, and the way to fix that is to purchase some software that you can get for free, then that is a scam.
It is the same old scam or putting fear into people to make them part with their money. Cold calling, worrying the client, building trust we are Microsoft reps etc. If it was not then the police would not have shut down many operations already, domains would not be constantly changing and the calls would come from real PC support businesses not massive call centres in India with people reading from scripts.
I have done cold calling myself I did not enjoy it, I lasted 2 days as a student and went back to washing dishes after, so I know how the deal works. Just had a Indian guy on the phone for 25 mins saying he was from Micronix and they were afiliated with Microsoft asked to confirm my CLS ID and said my operating system needed updating and i could pay through pay pal, switched my internet off when he was asking for the information, this is a total scam and now they are using paypal to get payments its a bit strange beware his number was Re last comment just contacted paypal fraud dept and yes they are aware of this scam people are giving them there paypal emails and they are emptying there accounts have given them the phone number they used as before beware.
Just had the best call yet. As usual I was told that my computer was sending error reports due to malware. So I asked when it had sent reports, and the lady said during the last week. So I asked for specific dates, and she said all the time.
I then told her that my computer has not been switched on in 2 weeks. I asked her to admit that she was talking complete nonsense but she hung up on me. A sure sign of a scammer! So I bit… almost all the way.
I immediately went out and purchased and ran McAfee Internet Security as well as Microsofts free virus, spyware, malware. Install a firewall so that if a program attempts to access the Internet it will have to ask first.
Hopefully that will suffice. I am not a security expert by any stretch of the imagination though! Ideally run some scans from the likes of Malware Bytes too. Run CCleaner another free temp file remover to get rid of anything that may be sitting in a temp file.
As a safe option you could first delete any saved passwords from browsers and then run CCleaner again to ensure any possible temp files are removed. Hopefully that will be enough. If there is no data worth stealing then you are OK, just monitor and run regular checks.
Their calls are coming to Hawaii now. I hope they ran up a good phone bill on their international call. However, they did tell me that my software warranty had expired although they could not name the software or the date of expiration.
I let the phone company know, but that may be useless. I actually had another call yesterday. I have stopped noting the names down now. This one I again asked when they had received the errors and then told them that I have not had Internet access for the last 6 months.
He asked me if I was sure …. As for the cost of calls, I assume that they are just very very cheap lines. You can call the other side of the world for 1p a minute now, these call centres probably have even cheaper tariffs.
Practically free to call anywhere. Thanks for this helpful information. This caller identified his company as Megabite Solutions. After the aforementioned scare tactics, they directed me to a message on my computer saying that my security warranty had expired.
I was not aware of any such thing, and thought my McAfee Internet Security was protection enough. I owe you a pint. They claim that they have linked my computer to my phone number with class ID So how do they get my name?
Ask them for the IP of your computer find your own at http: I got a call tonight from a guy with a heavy East Indian accent. He was using the same clsid scam many of you have experienced. I listened to her up this point but got worried about it probably being a scam and googled before going ahead.
Patrick, I would guess that this is a coincidence. I am sure that your name must be on some databases. Any business you have dealt with may have sold a contact database of their clients. I have a hunch mine was shared by a less than honest telecommunications company.
I definitely think wasting as much of their time as possible is the best approach. Left the phone on the table for 10 minutes. Then I told him I needed to go to the toilet. He hung up after that. Ooh, I like that Adam, I will use that one.
They are always surprised to learn that my computer is already switched on, I guess most people do not sit in front of their PC all day like I do! I just had a call today and I questioned them repeatedly about wht they were calling for and what kind of messages they were getting, but unfortunately I had tried to change my antivirus and have been having a lot of problems.
I thought maybe that was what it was about. I let the have the remote access. Sigh… Sometimes I would like to just kick myself. Anyway I hope that They stay away, but who knows. I must be on all their lists as I am getting at least one call per week.
I have given a range of responses. I have simply played along but rather dumbly. I have said that I cannot carry out their instructions as the computer is in a different building from the phone, and no, I do not have a mobile phone.
I have said it is a dog resue kennel, what sort of dog did they want that made him go spare! I have said sorry, I cannot put the computer on as we are in the middle of a power cut. I have said I welcome their call as I am testing some new anti-hacking softeware for Microsoft which will backfire and destroy the harddrive of any computer that hacks into it.
Having assured me that she was not trying to hack into my computer, she did not stay on the phone long enough to try it out. Yesterday, I said how nice to hear from you again, you rang me yesterday. That was the shortest phone call ever.
Now, what can I tell them next time? Kel, bring up your System Restore window: Find the date they got you to install the remote access program. On that date it should show you the name of the program. Restore your system to the time before it was installed.
After doing that you should run a complete virus scan. Maybe next time, pretend to install the remote-access software, and then tell them you are getting error reports from their computer saying they are infected with viruses. Called my workplace, claimed that my computer was registered with his company and he wanted to walk me through the disinfecting process.
Was brazen enough to ask for my personal phone number before I hung up. I just got a call from folks running this scam and went along until they wanted me to enter a website address in the cmd line. He was supposedly living in Los Angeles.
I finally asked him what his zip code was and he balked and hung up. He told me my name. I told them I was very impressed. They were not so impressed with me though when I was offered a choice of putting my PC right or giving them access.
I chose the former and they hung up. We have a TPS barring sales calls, so we do not get so many silly calls these days. When my wife picks these up she offers to sell them some rhubarb from our garden.
Had a call from someone with a strong Indian accent calling himself Justin, strange they all have English names, said he was from 24 hours support and that I had downloaded something that could harm my computer.
I asked what company did he represent, to see if he mentioned by internet service provider, he said 24 hours computer support, I told him he was talking a load of crap and hung up. To be sure I did full anti virus and malware scanz which detected some adware trackers.
Shane Robinson — u guessed it Indian voice — gave me a telephone number and web address for a company called E Tech — which looks legit but his pitch was the same as many others i have received so i informed him that I would be passing the information to the police since i believed it to be a scam — guess what he put the phone down!!!!
I just spoke to these people. I asked for exact details of the error codes they had received. They tried, quite forcefully, to make me switch on my PC. When I asked for more details of the error codes they switched phone operator.
The next person said they did not have error codes to give, go and turn on my PC, blah blah blah. I laughed at this. The phone call then took a bit of a strange turn, with him telling me off for laughing at him. Just over 15 minutes on the phone.
Instead of getting annoyed by these pests, we could turn the tables and make this a bit of a competition. That sounds like a plan. Baring in mind that I kept them going for 15 minutes without going near my PC, I think I am in with a shot of getting the title.
I have updated my name accordingly. This is a great idea. Seeing that the only 2 people that are currently timing their efforts are called Andy, may I suggest that an initial is used to avoid confusion? I will try to remember to note the time on the next call I get.
Andy1 sounds better, a bit more important than Andy2. In fact, I feel a little left out, without a number after my name. You set a high target already sir. I am going to have to devise a cunning plan.
Time to bust out the old Blackadder DVDs for inspiration! Lol, I am not going to go and change the name again. If they phone me up in the early evening, I wonder if that is possible? Self deprecating as ever, I chose 2 because you Andy were here first.
Think of me as a movie sequel. I got another call this morning in Hawaii. I informed him that I knew it was a scam and that I would notify the police if they called again. Just took yet another of these wonderfully helpful calls.
This is more or less the gist of what was said:. I have details of malware and viruses which are on your computer, can you please turn it on. You have a list, where did you get it from? Your Service Provider Me: Oh, thanks very much for calling.
Has someone stolen my Internet? You have viruses and malware, I can help remove them. Where can I buy a new Internet? You said that someone has stolen my internet, where can I buy a new one?
Where is your office? Can I have your phone number so I can call you back later? Him 7 …… Me: Thats not a manchester number Him: Sounds like an international number over Skype or similar? At this point I made my concerns known to him and he hung up.
Not quite 15 minutes, but with a bit of practice get enough calls to do so I could be a contender. Maybe not quite 15 minutes, but the quality was there. If anyone can beat the reply I once got that even though my PC had been switched off for a month it could still send messages, then that would be good to hear.
Lol, I like that. I wonder if there is a suitable youtube video of someone in a dizzy panic that we could just play at them over the phone ….. Maybe this will work, just because he keeps talking and laughing ….
Keep up the good work. By the way, just in case, where can I get a new internet if mine gets stolen too? The way things are going a billion Greek drachma will soon be legal currency, and will just about buy you a network cable to connect to your router.
I spent about five minutes with him talking slowly and faintly so he was forced to ask me to repeat myself several times — I hope I sounded like an old geezer. Sir do you have a computer? Yes sir, do you have a computer? Can you turn on your computer?
Can you go upstairs and turn on the computer? Sir, do you have a laptop? Yes, is your computer a laptop or a desktop? Sir, can you turn on your computer? Sir can you turn on the computer while I have you go to a site?
I can not talk on the phone while I use the computer. Sir, do you have another telephone where I can call you near the computer? Sir, when you use your browser on the internet you are sending out viruses.
Sir do you have another telephone line where I can call you near the computer? Hi, I have had so many of these calls. Thing is they ask for my step sons father every time who sadly died 4 years ago. Each time they call and one of my lads answer they get upset at having to tell them that thier father is dead!!!!
I have told them so many times but they just keep calling. The last time they called a very pleasant lady from MSN protection, said that they had had an error report sent to them from my computer and asked if my computer was very slow.
I replied that it probably was caused by the amount of porn I watch!!!! These cnuts rang me and before I did anything I quickly googled this CSLID — am pleased they said that as it gave me a quick hit on google.
Time to unplug again! Anyway, thankyou so much for this info — I did ask the lady on the phone whether she had children, and whether the ends of scamming people halfway across the globe is a justifiable way of putting food on her family table….
This scam made it to Radio 4 — http: I guess that they did have full access to your PC? Did anything get installed or was this just a case of buying for something that you never received? To be safe I would suggest running Malwarebytes in safe mode press F8 when booting up — http: If you can do a full windows reinstall that will definitely solve the problem, but then you need to backup all saved data etc.
I recently reinstalled Windows, amazing how much stuff is on a PC that you need to keep backed up. Although they recently released a stand-alone Boxee box, you can always install the free Boxee software on a spare PC, media center, or laptop.
With VLC, that problem goes away. VLC can read many video file formats without the need to install custom codec files. Away from your computer? You can set up a streaming VLC server to listen to your music anywhere you have the Internet.
Who has time to run to the store to pick up the latest game? Steam allows you to purchase PC games on-line, install them, and get you to the fun quicker. With a large selection of games for any taste, including best-sellers like Portal and Half-Life, Steam is a popular source for any PC gamer.
Detractors of the service complain that Steam purchases are all validated through Steam software making you dependent on the service to play your games, and Steam does not offer returns on downloads. Within those restrictions, however, Steam offers a great service for finding new games and connecting with friends.
Windows provides its own photo editing and organizing tool with Windows 7, called Windows Live Photo Gallery. Photo Gallery also has editing tools for minor corrections, and larger tasks like creating a panoramic photo and combining multiple photos into a composite.
Though Windows Live Photo Gallery is by no means an advanced photo editor, it is tailored for organizing and sharing family photos. Gimp is an image manipulation program very similar to Photoshop that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Inkscape is a wonderful open source vector editing program similar to CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator. Although it does not support SVG animation, it offers all the needed tools to get started in vector editing.
Inkscape runs on multiple platforms and its website contains tons of articles and tutorials to help you get started using it. NET is a solid choice. Originally designed by a college team sponsored by Microsoft, Paint. NET has matured into a friendly photo manipulation tool with a familiar interface and basic editing tools like layers, history, adjustments and special effects.
Need to get the holiday photos prepped and shared with family in a hurry? Although not as robust as stand alone tools like Photoshop, or as large as photo sharing services like Flickr, Picasa is a one-stop shop for sharing photos with family and friends.
And if grandmother is screen-illiterate? You can order prints right from the album. So it makes sense that there are hundreds of screenshot grabbing tools out there to improve the process. My personal favorite is SnagIt from Techsmith.
Crop, adjust, fix, tweak, even choose from an assortment of subtle special effects and borders to make your screenshots uniform. SnagIt will assist in grabbing just a window, image, or even specific website elements.
All this makes the price of the full upgrade worthwhile. Is SnagIt a little out of your price range or too complex for your needs? If you need a cheap alternative for basic screenshots and video capture, the free version of Jing is your answer.
With the same helpful features of SnagIt but a much less robust editing tool, Jing lets you easily grab screenshots and commit basic edits lines, text, shapes before saving in a useful format. It also does screencasting!
Upgrade to the Pro version for a yearly fee to get access to instant screenshot hosting and sharing services. Writer will walk newcomers through setting up a WordPress blog and beyond. It also handles multimedia like video and photos fairly well.
Although not for advanced WordPress users, Writer is a solid choice for basic blogging. WinJournal is also compatible with a variety of services that Windows Live Writer is not. It can be difficult to simultaneously track your favorite people, manage multiple identities, direct messages, retweets, trend searching and more.
TweetDeck excels at displaying as much information as possible, with an adjustable multi-column format. Additional features like tweet scheduling, Facebook integration, and customizable columns makes TweetDeck a solid recommendation for advanced users.
Seesmic is another program that allows for a multi-column view in a crisp, clean user interface. Just have a single account and friends feed to follow? For a more minimal option, try Skimmer. It has a gorgeous UI and is especially made to handle photos and video as well.
FeedDemon dominates the market for desktop RSS readers. It has a rich and active beta community with frequent releases, so features are continually added. Are you an Instapaper fan? WordCycler allows you to sync via USB your Instapaper content and read it at your leisure on your favorite e-readers, such as the Kindle or any e-reader device that supports ePub or Mobipocket.
The sync goes both ways, too. Finish and delete an article from your reader and it will be removed from your Instapaper account. Not a fan of Microsoft Office or just want to keep your options open? OpenOffice is an excellent open-source, free, and full-featured alternative to Microsoft Office.
If you prefer minimal text editors which help you focus on the writing, Q10 is a great Windows exclusive program. Use Dropbox to sync it across systems for added usability. Make sure to install add-ons for use in Firefox, Chrome and Safari to protect your passwords anywhere.
Similar to 1Password, LastPass is a handy tool for remembering all your passwords and log-in information. LastPass has the added benefit of securely syncing the information so it can be accessed on any computer you have LastPass installed on.
Upgrading to premium allows you to access your passwords on mobile devices and USBs. The ability to remotely access your computer is a great tool for advanced users. LogMeIn is one of an assortment of programs that assists you in accessing your desktop from anywhere.
The dust seems to have settled on the zip extraction market, and one of the clear winners was the open source zip extractor called 7-Zip. If you need to do more, FoxIt also offers a family of programs for creating, editing, and otherwise manipulating PDF files at varying prices.
Live Mail is a basic e-mail tool which can handle multiple accounts and a basic calendar. For a more advanced option, check out Mozilla Thunderbird. Having grown from a fledging mail application into a full-blown email management system, Thunderbird allows you to sort and search through your emails quickly and easily with features like smart folders and tabbed-based viewing.
If Thunderbird is lacking a feature you desire, just check out their community of plugin developers and discover a wide range of add-ons that add additional functionality to the program. It allows you to receive updates from your Hotmail or social networks like Facebook, and has additional features like video chatting.
Skype is the premier application for video chat and voice calls over the internet. Other free services include regular instant messaging and screensharing. Skype also offers paid services for calling regular phones, call forwarding, and a personalized Skype number.
Paid services can be bought either by a per-minute fee or a monthly subscription. Tired of keeping 10 different IM applications open just so you can keep in touch with all your friends? Sync them all together with Digsby! Digsby allows you to gather all of your online IM accounts into a single application, allowing you to easily manage your Facebook, Gmail, AIM accounts and more.
While not having as much plugin support as Pidgin, Digsby does offer more features out of the box and has intensive support for managing email and social network accounts. Trillian is kind of like the Lexus of IM software: That price, however, gets you cool features like multiple themes, video filters, full screen video, and multi-file transfer.
If you just want to consolidate all of your chat accounts under one roof, Pidgin or Digsby may better suit you.
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Unplugging the router will disrupt the wireless connection. That report gives a different name same scheme though. If you just want to consolidate all of your chat accounts under one roof, Pidgin or Digsby may better suit you. As I mentioned above, anyone can become Microsoft Certified, it does not mean they are employed by Microsoft. If you do not have AV then install Avast! He got me to download a program that would connect me to their server.
21.02.2018 Tomuro:
Sep 17, · These are the few steps I do when creating a new "Golden" image. Luckily I don't have to do these steps all the time as I'll create the "Golden" image when there is a new upgrade such as when we went from View to View There are many problems that can occur on your PC, and several users reported that they can’t delete files, folders, icons and other similar files. This is a strange issue, and today we’ll show you how to fix it on Windows 10, , and 7.
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