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Hola, quisiera que me ayudaras con esto: Desde ya muy agradecida. Puede ser problema de recalentamiento. Porque si haces mantenimiento debes hacerlo obligatoriamente. Todo empezo cuando tenia 2 maquinas Sus Informaciones son: Tengo una laptop compaq C, a la que le instale win 7 home premium 32bit originalmente poseia la pesadilla de windows vista pero ahora tengo un problema cuando intento conectarme a cualquier red inalambrica, incluso a una que tenemos para conectar equipos cercanos y jugar… He tratado de todo, realice diagnostico de disco duro y memoria al inicio, verifique por administrador de dispositivos que los controladores de red estuviesen ok; incluso realice diagnostico con fix it pero no logro identificar el problema… he leido algunos de los comentarios previos y solo me falta abrir el equipo y revisar la bateria, entre otros… Saludos y de antemano Gracias!
Para unirte debes inscribirte. En la parte superior derecha tienes los formularios para hacerlo. Gracias por el apoyo. HOLA alguien me puede ayudar tengo 10 maquinas con procesador amd A6- memoria de 4 gb disco duro de en sata en mi cabina pero tienen un eror mis maquinas se reynician pero no cargan sistema operativo tengo que desconectarlo masomenos 1 hora para que carge despues recien el sistema operativo windows 7 todas tinene el sistema operativo pero 6 maquinas estan fallando al la misma hora masomenos a las 7 pm todos los dias no todas unas 6 maquinas se reinician que falla seria mira yo tengo esa medidor que es nonofasico no se si seria eso la falla por que mis maquinas son nuevas recien compradas hace un mes por favor tu ayuda.
Desde hace unas semanas mi PC se apaga y enciende como 3 o cuatro veces solo antes de encenderse definitivamente. Hola amigo, tengo un problema mi computadora al iniciar dice que tiene un error el ventilador ha dejado e funcionar y yo veo que al prender la computadora el ventilador si funciona, que debo hacer?
LO que pasa es que ni si quiera arranca no llega al windows, es decir, a los 45 segundos de encenderlo se apaga sin mas. Puede ser problema de recalentamiento, o en su defecto, memoria RAM. Hoola a todos, tengo un caso con una pc me gustaria que me pudieran apoyar, hay momentos en los cuales mi pc se congela, se apaga monitor, mouse se desactiva, y ya no responde, y no responde el reset.
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Lo que te recomiendo es que saques el disco duro, y de ser SATA, lo conectes a una computadora de escritorio que lo permita leer. Saludos y muchas gracias por comentar. Amigo, el problema puede ser dos cosas: Me entro a la duda que era un error de la fuente de poder.
Pero alguna vez se me reinicio solo. Todos los dias no se me reinicia al enceder, pero estos dos ultimos si. Ayudenme, en la tienda repararon supuestamente el disco de imagen, pero sin el cd no me fio mucho.
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It s our lot in life is similar to what the farmers say about themselves. According to director George Lucas, the shots during the attack on the Death Star where the Rebel ships fly down the trench to attack the exhaust port are his homage to The Dam Busters, and contain a number of references to it.
Also, the two gun turrets defending the exhaust port mirror the two towers on the Mohne Dam where German flak guns were placed to defend the dam. Another reference is the sight used by the Rebel ships, which features two circles that come together as they approach the target - This is a reference to the use by Squadron of two converging spotlights to maintain the low altitude needed to release the bombs.
Luke returns home to find his house burned down by the Empire and his extended family murdered in a similar fahion to which Ethan returns home to find his house burned down by the Apaches and his extended family murdered.
Yojimbo is frequently alluded to in the Star Wars series, e. Early Star Wars equipment and merchandise was often shipped with the cover-story title Blue Harvest based on Red Harvest, source novel of Yojimbo to root out bootleg and pirated items.
The iconic scene where Kenobi feels a psychic pain from the cosmic ripple of millions of lives being snuffed out, bears a remarkable resemblence to Spock s shock at the beginning of The Immunity Syndrome. When C3PO sees the Jawa transporter that skeleton behind him is actually allegedly the Dinosaur from the Disney movie One of our Dinosaurs is missing.
The scene where Luke Skywalker stares out on the sky with binary suns is much like the scene where The Captain and Dersu looking out over the horizon, seeing both the setting sun and the rising moon at the same time.
When Pancho tells the legend of Cousin Shy, he begins with Once upon a time, a very long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away. Several people in home-made Star Wars costumes appear in convention footage inserted into the Space Questicon.
Metal dome on Kenny Baker s head makes him look like his previous role of R2D2. In a more subtle reference in one of the Time Bandits trailers, Baker runs across the screen during the narrated line You went to Star Wars for the droids.
Near the end of the movie, the son mentions that he can t find his Han Solo action figure, while holding a landspeeder model. A Millennium Falcon model has been retrofitted as a building with the cockpit removed in several outdoor city scenes.
When they enter Charlie s apartment and see all of the toy robots, Steele says it looks like the prop room for Star Wars. The scene where Max chases Blackfinger around a corner and then comes running back with guards chasing him is an homage to the scene with Han Solo on the Death Star.
Marty appears to George claiming that he is Darth Vader. At, Ben Crandall pretends to be Darth Vader by putting on a gasmask and swinging his flashlight like a lightsaber. When pee-wee walks into Mario s Magic Shop, there is an Imperial Stormtrooper helmet on the top shelf on the left.
Norwyn asks Adora for help by way of a message that resembles Princess Leia s hologram and later mentions he had an apprentice who turned to evil and betray him. Your Honor, the empire recommends we beam the earthling aboard the slave colony at Terra Bellevue.
Dan then proceeds to breath like Darth Vader. Max s exclamation Look at the size of that thing. Just before arriving in the year, amongst the scrolling letters and numbers can be read R2D2C3PO. Cited by Otomo as a major story and visual influence - Tetsuo especially is influenced by Darth Vader.
Before Brian jumps out of the van, Meg says take care of yourself, it s what you re good at, a reference to what Luke Skywalker said to Han Solo before the rebel attack on the Death Star. When Ernest takes the sleigh into light speed it looks identical to The Falcon going into light speed.
When McClane and Barnes the engineer make a shortcut route. The name of the pass is called the Annak in Skywalk er. Which is another 20th Century Fox franchise. Various references throughout, for example: Guybrush looks at the Sea Monkey at Stan s and says What a piece of junk.
Opening sequence with a huge spaceship emerging over a planet during a battle. Also, Wilcox compares Ramsey to Darth Vader. When Wally is abducted, the Voodoo Lady says I just felt a sudden disturbance in the Force, as if a tiny, tiny voice just called out in fear, a variation of Obi-Wan s line when Alderaan is destroyed.
The scene which Raynor s shuttle is pursued by the alien invader s spaceship mirrors the famous opening shot from Star Wars: When Jo is looking in Billys photo album, you can see a small picture of the star wars movie poster.
When you complete the game, after the end credits there s an outtake where Tom Wilson Maniac says Isn t that the guy from Star Wars. Mark Hamill Blair of course played Luke Skywalker. Events from the film, principally, the destruction of the Death Star, are mentioned.
Darth Vader makes an appearance. The interior of the smuggler s ship strongly resembles that of Tantive IV. God this woman is just screaming for a makeoverI m her only hope. You re my only hope. In the first vignette promoting his debut, Goldust mentions the lightsabers that explode from my precious metal.
Buzz s description of Zurg s ultimate weapon A space station that can destroy a planet mimics the Death Star. Also, Sid interogates Woody whilst playing with him, saying Where s the rebel base. Blaine Faulkner also has a model of the Millenium Falcon hanging from his ceiling.
A man approaches Susan in a book store and after they ve exchanged hellos, says, Say there, you re as tall as a wookie, aren t you. In the space battle with the Borg, the Millenium Falcon is visible in one shot, doing its part to fight the Borg.
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could ever imagine, Vader. Reed is said to look like Han Solo. Buck Swope refers to a TK modification on his stereo, with the serial number of the stormtrooper that Luke Skywalker impersonated on the Death Star.
Documentary about Star Wars fans waiting in line to get tickets for the theatrical release of the Special Edition. Wedge says the same line in Star Wars when they aproach the Death Star. The scene where Mike is wandering the canyon and the dwarves are up in the rocks is similar to when R2D2 was wandering in some canyons and the jawas were doing the same thing.
Samatha Carter, when they find themselves in Thor s Hall says I have a bad feeling about this which is classic Starwars. Julie knows all the lines to Star Wars and quotes Obi-Wan Kenobi as she does a lightsaber duel with breadsticks while waiting for Dan.
There s talk of a Chewbacca defense in the courtroom, we then see a picture of Chewbacca from this movie. Peri and Ty first met at a Halloween party where they were dressed up as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker respectively.
Jack admits that his real name is Luke Skywalker. Jack later tells Michael and Jenny that they came to Earth, A long time ago and Daniel adds, From a galaxy far, far away. Hippelman refers to the anonymous caller as Lord Vader because of the vocal harmonizer he uses.
After Aeryn shoots and kills the alien, she says Sorry about the mess. This is the same thing Han Solo says after shooting Greedo. Referenced in the dialogue: Faith s turn to the Dark Side of the Force pretty much put the kibosh on any away plans for me.
In the segment dealing with paraphernalia, the woman displaying the items points out a device shaped like a Star Wars space gun. Tim, Daisy and Brian watch the Star Wars trilogy and talk about it in depth. Later, they reference the characters, music and dialogue featured in the movie, particularly from the meeting about destroying the Death Star.
Daisy says Take care of yourself I guess that s what you re best at, isn t it. Many sound effects of the movie are heard, such as Darth Vader s breathing, blaster fire and the light saber s humming.
The outfit worn when the alien comes to Earth in his space ship is identical to the outfit worn by Luke in this film when he flies a space ship. An X-Wing ship is used at one point.
Cleo refers to Sarge as a Jedi and grabs the attention of a crowd with the words, May the Force be with you. Mike to reporters, You don t need a statement. There is no story here. Reporter, Are you trying the Jedi Mind Trick on us.
When in the machine, Ginger and Rocky leap off of a platform and swing across just like Luke and Leia. Dolemite won t help Sugar Bear out, at least not for free cause this is not exactly no Star Wars shit mother fucker.
When Luke Perry is laying by the pool reading through school papers the woman off screen says Luke. Luke, it s time for dinner which is what Aunt Beru uses to call Luke Skywalker inside.
Didi s hairstyle at the wedding bears a striking resemblance to Princess Leia s cinnamon bun hairstyle. Also the concept of Episodes was also inspired by Star Wars. Part of Martin s property that his mum tries to sell is the original script to Star Wars and Princess Leia s Anti-breast-jiggle-tape.
In a flashback to the brothers childhood, Eddie hits Sean with a stick and says, The Force is with me. The scene where daisy opens her new lipstick is shot in the same was as Luke turning on his light-sabre for the first time, and even has the same sound effect.
Gimpy s posters, action figures, and other paraphanelia from the series, their attempt to rename a flavor of Ben Jerry s ice cream Chocolate Chip Chewbacca, and the ending of Gimpy s Quake game which is reminscent of the destruction of the Death Star by Luke Skywalker Han Solo.
Gimpy sends a video message to Nitz to announce his fondness for the series. He also choose Han Solo as the name for Nitz fake I. Plus, there s Gimpy s poster on his door. When Lars and his agent are watching the music video, the agent comments that a man appearing in it looks just like Alec Guinness in Star Wars.
When Jody Chang is yelling about how she killed a creature Burt tells her not to get cocky. Andrew paints the Death Star on the geek trio s van, and they argue about the differences in design between the original and the revised version in Return of the Jedi.
Also, the van s horn is the Star Wars theme. In the Mounty induction ceremony at the end of the episode, Pamela Anderson s hair is fashioned into two buns on the sides of her head, Princess Leia style, probably a reference to guest star Mark Hamill s role in Star Wars.
Mump urges one of Gimpy s minions to tell him that a movie quote was from this movie or it s sequels it isn t. Plus there s the poster on Gimpy s door, and the action figures Rocko wrecks. Jade paraphrases Obi Wan s line A wretched place of scum and villany as they re about to enter a hangout for thieves, etc.
When Louis insists that Peter didn t fix the bathroom faucet, he says: I will give you all my Star Wars cards if it is. In the Farscape episode, John says Flying through wormholes ain t like dusting crops, farmboy.
It takes a little finesse. Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star,. Warren and his friends are Star Wars fans and the show s writers frequently reference it. He shouts about the camera set-up, No. Shut it all down.
Shut them all down, hurry. A poster for the movie is on the wall in the comedy club dressing room at Levittown, Long Island. When Scales interrogates the Cloudrunner Queen, the animator read the script as being similar to the scene of Darth Vader interogating Captain Antilles, according to animator Michael Wood.
Trevor Constantine calls the secret police implanting people with mind control devices the Darth Vaders of the 21st century. Now, instead of just worryin about big bad rock-eater, we got Darth Vampire livin in the basement.
In a discussion of how film titles are parodied for porn film titles, Star Wars is mentioned as becoming Star Whores. A captive woman questions the truthfulness of her rescuer s identity, claiming he s too short to be who he says he is.
Sort of like too short to be a stormtrooper from SW. Lance tries to demote Eric s fascination with Star Wars by talking about the scientific impossibilities about space travel and light sabers. When Ross speech is erased Joey offers a speech he uses in auditions instead.
Ross replies that his monologue from Star Wars won t help. As a result of completing the game under special conditions, a weapon called a Beam Saber becomes available for use. The attack on the mothership is extremely similar to the X-Wings attacking the Death Star, including the plan to hit a small ventilation shaft to disable a powerful weapon that gives the owner the ultimate power in the universe.
The style of the opening credits of this movie is very similar to the opening text narrative of Star Wars. Refers to the Force - Mark says the words in Sting s song Russians are a rhetorical question like Can you feel the Force.
Eric talks in his sleep that it s too cold to use the Force. When he wakes up, he asks for Leia. Jakob Stegelmann mentions Lucas had already made the first two Star Wars films when he and Spielberg began working on Raiders.
Eric mentions he now knows how Obi-Wan did that mind trick. He also mentions that he wants to do it with Donna in a landspeeder on Tatooine. Anonymus in black robe, etc. I don t know this is actually a reference or a spoof.
When Ollie picks Gertie up from school in the street sweeper, he asks: When Gary enters the palace dressed as Obi Wan Kenobi he waves his hand and does a Jedi Mind trick by telling the cards, you don t need to see my credentials.
Mark thinks Next she ll be telling us to use the Force. If you ask me, Skywalker was bloody lucky to get away with turning off his guidance system. The sequence when Kazama goes through the alien ship to destory the shield is refrencing Star Wars when Mark Hammal flys through to destroy the ship.
Near the end about 9 min left, before the credits role one of the reporters says to Billy May the Force be with you. Sebatsian talks about the 70 s and how Star Wars hit theaters in that decade; A poster of it is hanging in his room.
Ryan Reynolds talks about Star Wars in his speech to the students. He compares a teacher to a Jedi Master and a pencil to a Lightsaber. Hyde s daydream is almost the same, except that Kitty replaces Donna. I m going to end up a downloadable national joke.
You know, right up there with Paris Hilton or the Star Wars kid. One of the segments is titled Bi Wars, in reference to the bi-sexuality of housemates Geneva and Rachael. The introductory text in this segment crawls up the screen like the opening titles of this movie.
When Joe chases the family into the sewers, two Tie Fighters fly in front of him and he blows them up like in the Death Star Battle. During the opening escape sequence, a background conversation echoes dialog among Stormtroopers when Obi Wan Kenobi is disabling the tractor beam.
R2, I need you to turn the autopilot off, now. One of the Moonrunners in the trainyard will say You hear about those laser swords man. During Star Wars, the line Stay on target, stay on target. In Chicken Little, Ace, or the movie version of Chicken Little, repeats this line while navigating his ship through space to defeat the aliens.
Granny appears to Red and tells her to use the hood, a reference to Obi-Wan telling Luke to use the force. Andy reveals that he mantasies about Jim going to a Sci-Fi convention with him. Andy is dressed as Darth Vader.
Paula talks to her client in the coffee shop about how the original trilogy was better since it was about story telling and not just about special effects and CGI. Val finds that her wedding coordinater has planned a Star Wars theme for her wedding.
Several jokes and references are made throughout the episode. Kirsten mentions Boba Fett. Venus uses the line she doesn t look like much but she s got it where it counts to describe her bar.
Steph tells Jeff that Eddie reminds her of Chewbacca. Later on, Taylor make a Jedi reference to Seth. Around 13 minutes into the movie, before his uncle is killed, Eragon looks at the horizon while the sun sets, in a scene reminiscent of Luke in Star Wars about 24 minutes into the movie, also before his uncle and aunt are killed.
When Ben Trent is being attacked by the Gorgonopsid, he picks up a Light Saber and prepares for battle with the monster. When they see the people camping out in front of the store and wonder what it s for Ted says there s usually a Stormtrooper or Klingon to give you a hint.
At the dinner table Willie is asked if he wants light or dark meat and one of the dinner guest remarks thats easy, he already went to the dark side. Princess Leia sees the Millennium Falcon and says, You came in that thing.
You re braver than I thought. Dave says, about the dark staircase, to Kate and Jack, You guys came through this. When Larry sees Everett in the Ghillie sniper suit, he says that he looks like a retarded Chewbacca.
In Disconnected, Strong Bad s head tries out various modes of moving around without just rolling, including a Repulsorlift, the technology used to create lift for vehicles, especially the speeders and X-wings. Willi finds a rolling pin and imagines it as a lightsaber while making the famous lightsaber sounds.
Ben is going to a screening of a pre-Lucasised version with none of that Greedo shooting first crap. When the other characters want to linger in the field of puppies, Lunt urges them to Stay on target. Spencer tries to explain to an uninterested Derek why The Death Star could not ever be built: A popular theory among leading astrophysicists estimates that the hyper-matter reactor would need about 10 Joules of energy to destroy a planet the size of Earth.
Justin mimics Alec Guiness when he tells a pair of Wizard detectives these are not the droids you re looking for, although not with the same success. Peter s speech about illegal immigrants includes a line from the original Star Wars movie They are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor.
The main character wields a lightsaber-like weapon, the results screen and credtis roll design and music are reminicent of those in Star Wars, some characters resembles Star Wars characters.
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, your my only hope. When the patient explains that her religion frowns on popular culture, Kutner responds, so you can never watch Star Wars again. The girls walk down the isle to receive their reward and they discuss similarities to the original star wars trilogy.
I m Jules Rainer, I m here to rescue you. Detective Flack says that the cosplay bar where all the customers are dressed in costumes reminds him of the Star Wars cantina. Snake refers to the Death Star during their briefing prior to infiltrating Outer Haven.
The scene is also reminiscent to the Death Star briefing. Eve has a restraining bolt style device placed on her in the repair ward. The shot of the transport containing the Eve units docking on the Axiom is a reference to the Millenium Falcon being pulled into the Death Star.
The character of Malcolm wonders how different the world would have been if Diable probablement, Le had been as successful as Star Wars. It looks like the Millennium Falcon. Scott also has several Star Wars toys and a cardboard cut out of Han Solo in his bedroom.
Zane says the two suns look like Tatooine. Luke Skywalker grew up on Tatooine, a planet with two suns. The scene in which the three obtain Nazi uniforms features the sound of a Blaster, alluding to a scene in the movie Star Wars.
During the Mothership Zeta add on, it is possible to enter the waste disposal area of the ship during the quest-line Among The Stars where Sally is found fixing an elevator and an optional speech option is what an incredible smell you ve discovered.
I can put whatever I want in any of my movies, did you see Star Wars. None of that Sh t was real. Booth figures that Sweets will use some kind of psychological Jedi mind trick on Daisy, just like Obi-Wan did on the stormtroopers.
The Clone Wars Marshall claims that lightsabers are just a few years away; in the stinger he uses one to carve a Thanksgiving turkey. Secondly, Ruby urges Luke not to go, since she has a really bad feeling about this, as in all the Star Wars movies.
A guy in a bar tells a war story, talking about an old man in Iraq, he and his buddies used to call Hadji-Wan Kenobi. This happens around 50 min. Elisa tells Liz that she took all the Star Wars references out of the script for a telenovela episode.
Dialog reference and light-saber with glow-stick action at beginning of film, also one of the chacters is called Chewie. Fisher says he loves it. There s a stormtrooper at the convention and Sweets quotes Obi Wan s an elegant weapon for a more civilized age speech when talking about a sword.
The computer graphic displays detailing the plan to destroy the comet pay homage to those seen in the build-up to the attack on the Death Star. Roberto Orci cited Star Wars as an influence in giving this film an epic feel: I wanted to feel the space, to feel speed and to feel all the things that can become a little bit lost when Star Trek becomes very stately - although I love that about it.
The film pays homage to Star Wars in the Cantina scene, in the action sequences, and particularly in Kirk and Spock s relationship Han Solo wasn t friends with anyone when the journey started, then. Additionally, the name Vader is mentioned when the cadets are boarding the Starfleet vessels and Captain Pike says Punch it before going to warp, just like Han Solo does.
Sound technician Ben Burtt, a noted Star Wars technician, was also hired on the film. Randy disguises himself as Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan in order to steal the super-conducting bending magnet.
Castle responds to his mother saying, that was years ago, I m sure he s forgotten about that, paraphrasing Han Solo remarking on Lando Calrissian. When Fabian Castell was interrogated, he told the inspector that he has seen a video: Star Wars Part IV.
The actor acknowledge Star War s success as the reason Paramount green lit the first Star Trek movie. The dogs check their communication similar to the rebels on the start of the attack on the death star.
Also, the title is shown on a movie theatre marquee during the end credits. When Andrew is waiting for a meeting in the immigration-office, he says he has a bad feeling about this. Divya orders Evan to forget something, and Evan asks if that was some sort of Jedi mind-trick she was trying to pull.
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